Pain a feeling ever so familiar
Emotions I wear on my sleeve.
I feel nothing walk tall
Ice pumping through my vein's.
Looking for some kindred spirit
Blinded by the view of my reflection
No visibility through my imperfections.
Stroll alone I don't need nobody
Not a soul I need I need only me.
Self destructive ways masked under the idea of protective sacrifice.
Do anything for those close to me
Even lay my life down for those I'm close to.
Soak my aches in a bottle tired of fighting
Exhale my issues in the smoke.
Pour a cup when I want to celebrate the day
Burn 1 twice a day but I don't need it.
Love her cause she deserves it Or do I Love her cause I need it.
Love them so much there's no way I could ever love just 1
But I treat them all like queens.
A slave to my desires a servant of my vices
I do what I want I mind no consequences.
Self destruction masked under the guise of self love.
King of The Pen, Rayna's Theory, Trisha Reviews, and Poetic Shi join forces to bring you an unparalleled dimension of artistic writing creativity. Altogether they will provoke thoughts and emotions so phenomenal that you will be eager to see what comes next. Leave comments and connect with each artist. You can follow all writers on Twitter by using the link in the sidebar.
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Sure Thing
I have finally erased you, or so I feel. My heart is no longer yours to steal. Reading over the letters that I thought were written in truth have made me realise how low you would stoop. The lesson has been learnt and my feelings along with the letters have been burned. Goodbye former memories and a brief crush, the word I use because to call it anything else would be too much. I need to accept it was nothing. It wasn't a sure thing.
Signed Patricia Hilton
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
The Lie
All about love but now they are through
Knowing you deceived me again and again
Has caused nothing but gut-wrenching pain
I think I actually hate you, I feel nothing but hate
You make me physically sick and have left me in a turmoil state
Knowing I could be so stupid and gullible
I should have read on your face that you were nothing but trouble
I’m laughing at myself, laughing at my stupidity
Laughing at that dumb girl who has now seen the reality
If I saw you I don’t know if rage would overtake me
Or I would walk away and never let you see
The dried up tears that stain my face
And the heart left with a massive empty space
I can do nothing but forget
And I have nothing but regrets
Images of you and your fake words spoken in a snakes tongue
Preying on the innocence of the frivolous and young
I hope you read this with your lying eyes
I hope the hatred reads with a big surprise
Knowing your secret is out and your jig is up
But I know this poem will never make you stop
Because you are scum and you always will be
But luckily I will benefit and be set free
From the pain of loving you and being devoted
However all of us have voted
My heart, soul, mind and common sense
Has decided that the love wasn’t well spent
On a fucking loser like you but at least I have learnt
That a real woman has their love earned
By a kind, caring and innocent soul just like mine
You wanted to break that heart and that is just fine
I will move on but don’t be fooled as I will never look back
Because I fear to see the knife still sticking out and all the little cracks
Left behind from being betrayed but they will soon shrivel and die
Just as my love did the moment I heard the lie
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Then and Now
I’ll always be the one that gave you wrinkles
And that thought makes my skin crawl
Knowing I was the one to cause you pain
All for my unnecessary gain
I will never know how much I disappointed you
Because you never let those emotions seep through
You put on a brave face and pardoned me
You never let me see
The hurt that I caused repeatedly
I can never take back any of my actions, I can only repent
But you will never get all those hours you spent
Worrying about your child in those rebellious years
As your face hoards them, deep rooted from all the fears
Patricia Hilton
It reads on your face, from here to the far ends of space. I can read every little emotion and lack of respect and that can only have a negative effect. Give me space and let me BREATHE, let me be the person you obviously don’t want me to be.
Friday, October 5, 2012
Lyrically Unheard
Photo Credit
Lyrical warfare, assassination of the mentally corrupt
Crush party-goers, I can't get enough
Slaughter insight of the page book genius
No credit for they deem me a defective delinquent
I write, you can't hear me verbalize
Open your eyes, I'm quite the surprise
My words will tear out your spine
Or make you feel heaven through your mind
None of this is to be said just to intimidate
I don't mind being read cause your world lacks enervate
However, I'm often looked at as the underdog
Most of them got it all wrong
With my words, I'll always stand strong
For those who can't see, just grab a book
Create a world with just one look
Indulge in the mid of some other
The words will bring you to a new place
One for you to embrace
The haunting of the soul can embark on journeys
Open a book and find fantasy
Explore with your imagination
You never know until you take the time to see
Be Good To Me - Sia
Music Choice By: Leenah Love
Twitter & Instagram: RaynasTheory
Lyrical warfare, assassination of the mentally corrupt
Crush party-goers, I can't get enough
Slaughter insight of the page book genius
No credit for they deem me a defective delinquent
I write, you can't hear me verbalize
Open your eyes, I'm quite the surprise
My words will tear out your spine
Or make you feel heaven through your mind
None of this is to be said just to intimidate
I don't mind being read cause your world lacks enervate
However, I'm often looked at as the underdog
Most of them got it all wrong
With my words, I'll always stand strong
For those who can't see, just grab a book
Create a world with just one look
Indulge in the mid of some other
The words will bring you to a new place
One for you to embrace
The haunting of the soul can embark on journeys
Open a book and find fantasy
Explore with your imagination
You never know until you take the time to see
Music Choice By: Leenah Love
Rayna's Theory commits to soulful writing:
Blogs, creative writing, reviews, lyrics, profiles, biographies, EPK outlines, Artist and company outlines, contracts, news, columns, and so much more. We cover everything writing has to offer. Email:
Twitter & Instagram: RaynasTheory
Rayna's Theory,
The Price Of War
Pray for peace in the midst of war
The end seems so far away
Hate lays thick like night fog
We fight for the land for the hogs
For the oil for the gold
Humanity lost with the innocence
Burning the blood candle at both endS
Ones win is another's end
Sin justified in the name of peace and order
Creating chaos to prevent anarchy
Pledge allegiance to the monarchy
The weight of hypocrisy lies heavy on those at the bottom of the hierarchy
Blood for profit there's no fair exchange
The pawns pay the price of war
Protect the dream at all costs
Cut the check mate
Scars of the soul inflicted with every trigger pull
Spirit lost being led into the darkness
By those we follow with hollow caves behind their gaze
No remorse resides in those who craft the agenda
Push for control peddling religion
The reason behind it all
In the names of our deities we slaughter whom who opposes
Bomb in the name of Allah, murder in the name of Jesus amen
Sacrifice the men baptized in fire
Clutching the cold steel
Break their minds and impose your will
Will it ever end or is it our nature
Doomed to repeat history forever
Could we be fated to extinction
By machines of our creation
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
The Last Stop
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In the stuffy heat I notice her, her eyes burning into me
I breathe in the filthy air and try to ignore but she draws me in
The longer she stares, the more I wonder
Do I know this sad girl sitting on the floor, have I wronged her?
She frightens me to a slight degree
The curiosity is eating at me
Why is she so intent on grabbing my attention?
I give her a fleeting look
She remains stern and her eyes are locked
I realise I am all alone on this carriage with the sad lost girl
Taunting me with her glare
Her stop approaches, it seems
As she gathers up her belongings
I wait for the inevitable confrontation that never came
And a part of me is disappointed as the mystery is not explained
She floats past me but never releases her eerie grip
She whispers a line that will haunt me forever
“I was never here’’
As I wait for my stop I feel her eyes on me
Burning with torment and anguish from afar
A shudder engulfs me and a sinister pang of guilt arises
A past memory envelops me of distant nightmares
Now I remember, now I see
This is the girl who haunts me, every night just past three
The girl on the floor is the one who knocks on my door
And tells me she loves me
She stands in the shadows of my subconscious
And never lets me sleep
How could I forget the one action I regret?
Letting this poor girl go in the darkness that night
Now I am terrified and every sound gives me a fright
And I see her in every dream
Now as I sit alone on the platform I can see
That these nightmares are now a reality
I see her harrowing face in the mist
Blowing me her last ever kiss
Patricia Hilton
train station,
Monday, September 10, 2012
My substance
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The brisk air against my hot flesh is refreshing
My mind spinning in every direction
It's like I'm high but I didn't take anything
The simple pleasure rests in your daily billet-doux
My soul has craved for yours
Now we devour in each others umbra
I met you in a previous lifetime
I remember your divine
Just like the it's happening now
The curse of the flesh that claws at your spine
Will you curb your appetite with them
And curl up with the eternal sin
Or will your rest your head in the known realm of heart's everlasting euphoric bond?
Come to me and rest your weary head
I will stand beside you even during code red
I am more than willing to compromise
But I will not do is help your demise
Plan accordingly
Your heart is sacred
Love me endlessly
I'm certainly worth it
I don't want to wait another lifetime for your heart
Just surrender all that you are
Join me in this journey of Ecstasy
Thank you for your support with "Fluid Language"! Share with your social network and comment. Your feedback is important.
Rayna's Theory commits to soulful writing:
Blogs, creative writing, reviews, lyrics, profiles, biographies, EPK outlines, Artist and company outlines, contracts, news, columns, and so much more. We cover everything writing has to
Twitter & Instagram: RaynasTheory
brocken heart,
forbidden love,
hard work,
heart ache,
Saturday, September 1, 2012
For You, My Enemy
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Photo Credit ''Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much'' - Oscar Wilde |
Have you ever disliked someone so much
That you can't even stand to hear their name uttered
You recoil hearing the familiar sound of their voice
You would rather cut out your eyes then allow them to feast upon this entity
Knowing a secret about them burns a hole in your consciousness
As you are dying to let it out
You are disgusted by their very existence
So why not?
Why not let this secret out rather than fester in your mind
Good karma comes from doing good things
And releasing this would be nothing but bad karma
And you hate unnecessary hype and drama
Justice could be served
But you know they must be haunted already
Haunted by the thought that people could find out
That people could judge
Just as they themselves judge you frequently for nothing so much as this
Little do they know
That their so called 'friends' do not know how to keep quiet
Because when you are a nasty soul
You attract nasty gossips, naturally
So I will keep the secret for you, my enemy
As I know your own conscience will eat at you
And your pathetic friends will betray you
It's funny how it is your enemy who is your only secret-keeper
Ironic, isn't it?
Patricia Hilton
Please check out more of my work:
oscar wilde,
trishas epic reviews,
Friday, August 24, 2012
In The Present
Spend my nights in the stars, spend my days in the wind
Live my life on a cloud
Enjoying my time in space
High off life the air is intoxicating
Catch me faded off the essence
Flowing freely through this highway we call life
Few thoughts wasted on tomorrow
Making sure tonight is sweet
Taste the nectar of pleasure
Fulfilling my desires putting fire to the pain
In the end they become one in the same
They burn out everything comes to an end
Synonymous life cycle whether good or bad
I carry no delusions of forever
Cause it changing to temporary is the only constant.
Conscious effort to live for the moment
So I bask in every second dive head first in every minute
Cause what is given can be taken away
Pledge allegiance to the universal law
What you give you receive
What you put out you attract
So I watch my reactions and stay mindful of my movements
Progress with force silent steps making loud statements
Living in the present
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
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"We humans fear the beast within the wolf because we do not understand the beast within ourselves" -Gerald Hausman
Sometimes creativity is a lost cause
Because it allows people to judge you and see your flaws
It enables them to make an assumption
It gives them reason to doubt your every function
You write the words and put pen to paper
Thinking about the consequences later
You never think people will read it and take it on board
You don’t realise those thoughts, in their head will hoard
If you have admitted a weakness
Or even exploited a forbidden kiss
These words are forever imprinted in their minds
Assuming they are your illusive finds
People judge and never see the good
They never let their barriers down like they should
You throw caution to the wind and allow your very essence to be exposed
While they stay stifled by the trapped life they chose
You listen to your soul and write with your heart
You record the ecstasy along with the moments when your world falls apart
They mean nothing if they cannot accept your wrongs
They shouldn’t exist in your realm if they do not appreciate your song
Because it allows people to judge you and see your flaws
It enables them to make an assumption
It gives them reason to doubt your every function
You write the words and put pen to paper
Thinking about the consequences later
You never think people will read it and take it on board
You don’t realise those thoughts, in their head will hoard
If you have admitted a weakness
Or even exploited a forbidden kiss
These words are forever imprinted in their minds
Assuming they are your illusive finds
People judge and never see the good
They never let their barriers down like they should
You throw caution to the wind and allow your very essence to be exposed
While they stay stifled by the trapped life they chose
You listen to your soul and write with your heart
You record the ecstasy along with the moments when your world falls apart
They mean nothing if they cannot accept your wrongs
They shouldn’t exist in your realm if they do not appreciate your song
Patricia Hilton
Note: This will be my last post for a few weeks so I hope you enjoy and check out my blog and page to see some of my other links while I am absent!
trishas epic reviews,
Monday, July 23, 2012
Reason To Sin
Lies danced off her tongue
Moonlight creeping through the blinds
Words telling tales that sound true
Language selling dreams you'd be a fool to buy Promises that it's yours
Rhythmic moans making music of sinful movements
Indulging in the flesh with these meaningless interactions
Attempting to fill voids left by others in past days
Pursuing pleasure in the present
With No thoughts towards a future
No remnants of love no trace of emotion
Devoted only to our desires
Cold hearts playing with fire under the stars
A reaction from chemistry
Interpersonal combustion
A dark beautiful symmetry between the 2 combatants
Leaving love scars over the canvas
Letting nature run it's course Giving into primal instincts
Left the thinking at the door
Playing games in protection of the heart
As the game ends sunlight creeping in
Satisfaction now reached and receding
The day still starts with the pain from last evening
No running from what you carry inside
Friday, July 20, 2012
Quarter-Life Crisis
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Close to three decades of blood, sweat and tears of joy
Tears of pain and tears of laughter
Memories of ‘back in the day’, weighed down by an overwhelming sense of underachievement
This, is my quarter life crisis
Still young at heart and young in the face as the doors of opportunity appear to slam shut, hit me in the arse and lock themselves behind me
“If I knew then what I know now”, as I write this apology to my 15 year old self
Filled with regrets, replaying episodes of the past 26 years I take stock of my assets
My health, my family, my friends
Money can’t buy me love and I will repay them all with my successes
So as I write this promise to myself in 5 – 10 years I am consoled by the thought that “Life begins at 40”
That was my quarter life crisis
By George Bradley
My friend has submitted to me his first poem so I thought I would share it with you all, enjoy!
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Rectify Me
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The sound of twigs breaking under my feet
Ressounds in my being like bones breaking
My heart, it bleeds black from his curse
My stride is just that of a zombie's lurk
It hasn't taken from the time of hurt
My body hangs lifeless in a mute position
What I had to do to save you ultimately went against my
Better intution
I can still hear the words billowing into the air
I know that you meant them that is why they won't disappear
On the outside, I look like a beauty Queen
On the inside my twins rumble like boxing feinds
I wonder if they heard you too
How I am not the one and I prepared myself to lose
You rectify the broken of yesterdays harsh embrace
Just to wake up today and send me back to that cold place
So where do I stand?
Somewhere between chaos and no man's land
Forever is a long time when doubt courses through your viens
Thank you for your support with "Fluid Language"! Share with your social network and comment. Your feedback is important.
Rayna's Theory commits to soulful writing:
Blogs, creative writing, reviews, lyrics, profiles, biographies, EPK outlines, Artist and company outlines, contracts, news, columns, and so much more. We cover everything writing has to offer.
Twitter & Instagram: RaynasTheory
Modern art,
romeo and juliet,
Sunday, July 15, 2012
Poor Man's Game
Forever in my mind
You seem to be the kind
That gets everything you could want
While I sit here putting up a front
I'm fed up with being unlucky
Why do you seem to hold the key?
I need to find a way to change
I'm fed up with this poor mans game
I don't know how you do it
While I have to put up with this shit
I try my hardest but it's never enough
I always have to hold back tears and be tough
Life comes easy to some
But sometimes you should take a look at your chum
Who is broke and at the end of their tether
Waiting and praying for things to get better
They constantly work while opportunities are thrown your way
They graft harder than ever but just want it all to go away
They still love you with no jealousy involved
They just need some TLC to calm their aching soul
You seem to be the kind
That gets everything you could want
While I sit here putting up a front
I'm fed up with being unlucky
Why do you seem to hold the key?
I need to find a way to change
I'm fed up with this poor mans game
I don't know how you do it
While I have to put up with this shit
I try my hardest but it's never enough
I always have to hold back tears and be tough
Life comes easy to some
But sometimes you should take a look at your chum
Who is broke and at the end of their tether
Waiting and praying for things to get better
They constantly work while opportunities are thrown your way
They graft harder than ever but just want it all to go away
They still love you with no jealousy involved
They just need some TLC to calm their aching soul
hard work,
trishas epic reviews,
working hard
Crazy in Love?
Crazy in love? All I am is crazy
Because this is supposed to feel amazing
It is not supposed to be difficult and upsetting
This is what I get for betting
On a love I thought I could handle
Now my emotions are mangled
I’m more confused that ever before
As I sit here crying on my bedroom floor
Begging for God to give me a sign
To help me make a decision and alter the design
Of my future life, it’s all in my hands
To find the ‘one’, this mythical man
I don’t need this on my head
And i certainly don’t want a loser in my bed
So I guess I have to take this seriously
I just hope he hears my plea
Because all I want is to be freed
Of the burden lying on my shoulders
As right now, my soul is getting colder
Because this is supposed to feel amazing
It is not supposed to be difficult and upsetting
This is what I get for betting
On a love I thought I could handle
Now my emotions are mangled
I’m more confused that ever before
As I sit here crying on my bedroom floor
Begging for God to give me a sign
To help me make a decision and alter the design
Of my future life, it’s all in my hands
To find the ‘one’, this mythical man
I don’t need this on my head
And i certainly don’t want a loser in my bed
So I guess I have to take this seriously
I just hope he hears my plea
Because all I want is to be freed
Of the burden lying on my shoulders
As right now, my soul is getting colder
Sunday, July 8, 2012
''The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist''
-The Usual Suspects 1995
This creature I speak of is far too familiar
For it and I are all too similar
I speak in tongues for the embarrassment is great
Knowing I have helped so many people meet their fate
I may not be you but I have seen all the things I speak of because I have committed crimes just like these mentioned above. Not everyone is perfect but you have to learn from your mistakes, you have to take on board your doings and repent while in turn not being fake. Everyone can learn but do you want to? Can you realise your actions or will you see these stunts through? It's your choice but you have been warned, listen now or forever be scorned.
For this poem I was inspired by films that focus on people who I feel carry out inhuman deeds, such as assassination. Many films flippantly focus on people who can quite easily kill and some see it as a sport while others learn from it. I like the idea as seeing them as a mule, doing the jobs not even the devil wants to do. The dirty work, the grunt work.
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In the incredible expanse of space
I can still see you hide your face
I can still see it riddled with guilt
I know you are nothing but filth
As crazy as it seems, I feel sorry for you
It's almost like you had nothing else to do
You didn't have the choice not to be cruel
It's like you are Satan's mule
Sent out to commit his evil deeds
Creating enemies and ruining lives as this is how he feeds
This is how I think of you, this is my current impression
But I must reveal my biggest confessionThis creature I speak of is far too familiar
For it and I are all too similar
I speak in tongues for the embarrassment is great
Knowing I have helped so many people meet their fate
I may not be you but I have seen all the things I speak of because I have committed crimes just like these mentioned above. Not everyone is perfect but you have to learn from your mistakes, you have to take on board your doings and repent while in turn not being fake. Everyone can learn but do you want to? Can you realise your actions or will you see these stunts through? It's your choice but you have been warned, listen now or forever be scorned.
Patricia Hilton
For this poem I was inspired by films that focus on people who I feel carry out inhuman deeds, such as assassination. Many films flippantly focus on people who can quite easily kill and some see it as a sport while others learn from it. I like the idea as seeing them as a mule, doing the jobs not even the devil wants to do. The dirty work, the grunt work.
Saturday, July 7, 2012
Soul Mate?
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What do I want in a partner?
Who the hell knows
Everyday a difficult decision or choice
But never anything that grows
If I'm honest I don't know what I want
This is why I leave my options open
Then I toss aside those who will never amount
So that I can keep my weary heart hoping
I don't know what to do, I'm lost
Forever paying the single cost
Judgement is always given because I'm too soft
I never defend my behaviour and seem to let idiots cross
An empty head and an empty heart
This is what solely keeps me alert
I wish I could find this soul mate
Because slowly, it is he who I'm beginning to hate
Patricia Hilton
Thursday, July 5, 2012
Love Can Be Cruel
When does it end,
when will I learn to
get over you.
Your still on my mind,
I can't escape !!
Can't cope with this
Wishing I could turn back
time, when I once held you
When I was your everything,
and you was my love.
I can even recall, our very first
Our very first kiss,
I held on to it for weeks.
Thought we'd last forever,
but in the end it didn't matter !!
You found someone new,
and left me drowning in tears.
You taught me a lesson,
love can be cruel..
All I did wrong, was fall in love
with you.
Written by: Poet Shi
I hide what I feel,
every time your around.
Knowing deep down inside,
I wanna scream it out loud !!
But I'm scared,of the thought
of you going away.
So I put up with lies,
you shed out everyday.
Deep inside my gut feeling,
telling me that your cheating.
But my heart can't accept it,
so I hide what I'm feeling.
A fool to have thought,
you would change your ways.
Now all alone I'm left crying,
my whole world up In flames.
Written by: Poet Shi
Friday, June 15, 2012
Death is Easy
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I'm frustrated and alone
While you dwindle on your throne
I'm understanding and loyal, waiting for our time
Forever wishing you were mine
I'm never selfish or nasty but I'm beginning to fade
Wondering how long it will take for 'us' to be made
Patience is a virtue but to me it's a curse
Before long I'll be waiting, lying in my Hearse
Death feels easy when I'm separated from you
Loneliness, nausea and hunger for my soul mate, to name a few
Are all the things I'm experiencing now
Everyone can see the pain in my eyes as I subtly frown
Excess attention I get from others
As I try to keep our secret covered
I'm fed up of waiting and soon I'll scream
The truth, knowing this action is nothing but cruel and mean
What else am I expected to do?
When all I do is have love and care for you
I'll do what is best and keep my troubled mouth shut
This action, for me, is like pouring salt into a bloody and gorging cut
Pain, an aching heart, a single tear has fallen
My soul is anguished and my eyes are swollen
Nothing could have prepared me for this in life
Nothing prepares me for loves strife
Tenderly your eyes look at me
Telling me that someday you will set us free
This hope stays alive in my conflicted heart
Begging that nothing will ever tear us apart
Patricia Hilton
Love, death and Shakespeare inspired me for this poem. Nothing intrigues me more than the extent a person will go to for the one they love.
Hope you enjoyed reading my poem!
Please follow my blog - Trisha's Epic Reviews where I review films mainly and occasionally travel and art. For music lovers check out Reviews By Trisha where I am a featured writer and for all my collaborated work, like my Facebook Page
romeo and juliet,
Saturday, June 2, 2012
Prisoner of conscious
Distant from the masses
alienated from the crowd
Disenfranchised with the norm
Lone soul in search of something kindred
In tune with a higher spirit, On another plane
No longer entertained by the games
A spectator to all it's ills
A view from the outside much clearer
Bare witness to the crimes it commits
Judging all voluntary victims
Willing participants swimming in shit
Forgot what the sun looked like
Accustomed to the darkness
Took a bite from the forbidden fruit
Enjoyed the sweetest reward
Ill gotten spoils they revel in
Soon the bitter aftertaste of pain becomes apparent
Then they become a victim of their conscience
The weight of sins not soon forgotten
lay on the shoulders of the wicked
No rest for those in search of forgiveness
Hopes of forgiveness from something higher than themselves
Looking to heaven dwelling in hell
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Her Eyes
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Behind her eyes there was always a sadness
One that, if not careful, you were likely to miss
She hid it well but the torment had taught
Her that keeping secrets was the best way not to get caught
She wasn't always this cruel, this is why her emotions shone through
As deep down, her soul was withering as she knew
She could have been so much better
This is why she began to write the suicide letter
Her eyes are now in an absent state
As it is now that her sad life has met it's fate
She let herself get dragged down into the deep
Now her soul is resting below while her mortal body lies in a heap
She felt this final action would rectify her past
A simple solution that was thought up too fast
However it was selfish as two wrongs don't make a right
She should have remained strong and put up a fight
She felt she had no way out but there is no excuse
To let your behaviour change and your morals become loose
As your mind is your own and the decisions are yours
And in the end, you pay by ending up that sad lost girl lying on the floor
Signed Patricia Hilton
Please like my Facebook page, help support my writing my checking out my work on Trisha's Epic Reviews . I write reviews on films, travel destinations and art. I currently write for two other websites, OdyseaEntertainment and DMVculture. I love poetry and I am a keen writer. Please let me know your feedback below!
Thank you
ed sheeran,
suicide letter,
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
SomeBody I Used To Know
GOTYE - Somebody That I Used To Know
I know you felt it
But that gut feeling of everness
Left unsided
This can't be my fault
I seen the missed calls
You said she "is just a friend"
Yet she has EX attached to her title

The swarm of bees stung me
I could feel my insides swell
The proverbial "friend"
That was front for something to come
I knew you were itching for something more
That's when I open to close the door
Now you sit and think about when we were together
Do you miss your family? Or that significant other?
My intuition states that you cry for me at night
I turn a blind eye when I pass you by
You're barely someone that I used to know
I can't see you as much else, knowing that you couldn't let go
Here is your heart back
The lies seem to be circlng it
You were still clinging to the past
I was you remember this? or was that too an act?
You say you don't need my love
But that same one you couldn't disengage
Broke your heart
It was protected with me
But now you're just somebody that I used to know
There is nothing left but the cringing sound of your false promises
Dedicated to BumbleBee
She is always
supporting all of my writing and getting me hip to different types of music.
She is my influence and my legacy. Without her, there would be no me.
Follow her on
Follow Her
IntaGRAM: LeenahLove

brocken heart,
Rayna's Theory,
Somebody i used to know
Friday, May 18, 2012
Covering your pain with bravado
Haunted by shadows of the past
Previous disappointments decorate
the walls you have constructed
Clinging to shallow waters Paralyzed by the fear of drowning Swimming in nothingness Afraid to feel something Running from anything real
Cause you find it hard to separate the real from the facade The genuine from the artificial Viewing emotion as a potent poison You find the remedy in indifference
Calm on the outside but I see the storm you hide. Twisted feelings of inequity Led you to believe you didn't deserve something true Running from yourself you became lost
So cold you are to the touch Blank stares towards affection Greeting admiration with a turned back But I see through the front Through to something you disguise
A device of defense against the pain rather play it safe than sorry No apologies for the hearts you break Wrapped up in your own Battling demons of your own.
Ones you'd rather fight alone Rejecting help from anyone Refusing to appear vulnerable Weary of the things trust can bring Cautious of creating connections Lonely angel
Clinging to shallow waters Paralyzed by the fear of drowning Swimming in nothingness Afraid to feel something Running from anything real
Cause you find it hard to separate the real from the facade The genuine from the artificial Viewing emotion as a potent poison You find the remedy in indifference
Calm on the outside but I see the storm you hide. Twisted feelings of inequity Led you to believe you didn't deserve something true Running from yourself you became lost
So cold you are to the touch Blank stares towards affection Greeting admiration with a turned back But I see through the front Through to something you disguise
A device of defense against the pain rather play it safe than sorry No apologies for the hearts you break Wrapped up in your own Battling demons of your own.
Ones you'd rather fight alone Rejecting help from anyone Refusing to appear vulnerable Weary of the things trust can bring Cautious of creating connections Lonely angel
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